Wednesday, March 8, 2023


I had a reading a while ago for a young woman who was genuinely beautiful.  I don't mean sweet and nice,  but head turningly gorgeous.  Not an issue I've had to deal with in my own life.  But I could see,  while talking to her,  that it wasn't a total gift.  Of course,  certain things are easier,  when you are beautiful.  You are more memorable,  people give you advantages and gifts.  But people may also want things from you,  and you are not sure of their motives. And then,  people may fall in love with you... 

A very nice young man had strong feelings for her,  and she was feeling guilty because she didn't love him back. But I looked at her and said, you are not a doll on a shelf to be bought with the most love.  His feelings are his to deal with,  you don't have to reciprocate and you don't owe him anything other than a kind but firm no.  She looked at me surprised and then nodded,  sometimes she did feel like a doll that men yearned to own,  and it was hard to say no to what felt like genuine feelings on their part,  but weren't there on her side.   Just because some one offers you something, even if it something genuine,  you are not obligated to take it.  

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