Monday, November 20, 2023

7 of pentacles

I often use the phrase "happy with the fruits of your labor" when people draw the 7 of pentacles,  And then I came across this perfect card!

One thing that has definitely changed since I started reading (pre internet!) is the amount of fabulous decks around.   There are so many variations of cards.  Often, if you draw a card in an important position,  I give you homework, to look up other variants that might speak to you more clearly.  

I have loads in my Pinterest folders,  as well as just searching on line.   As I come across alternatives I like, I often add them here.  Keep looking for yourself,  you will be sure to find one that works for you!

Monday, November 13, 2023

Both fun and deep

One of my favorite clients said to me that she always likes our annual readings - they are both fun and deep,  she said.   Fun,  because we laugh,  a lot,  about life and the situations we finds ourselves in. Deep,  because she can be honest about what is actually going on,  and if she wants to know more,  well then the cards are there to shine a light.   

She's in a steady job and a solid relationship,  but she still likes to check in. "It's an hour to talk about myself,"  she laughed.  An hour to take stock.   Our reading didn't foretell anything remarkable.  More of the same,  steady as she goes, was the theme. But she took that with grace - after all,  that's exactly what she wants... 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Making a decision can make all the difference

Some time ago I did a few readings for a very sweet Chinese man.  He knew he was a little too sensitive and took romantic set backs a little too hard,  and he wanted to work on it.

At his first reading he had sad,  wishy washy cards,  where none of the answers were definitive or even illuminating.  I felt embarrassed! But he came back six months later, and his cards had completely changed,  far more energized and to the point.  

I asked him what had changed and he said that he had decided to return home - to China,  For some people,  being a migrant is too hard and they never really establish deep roots.  He had come to the US with a student visa,  but never really found his footing.

However,  the thought of going back,  gave him confidence and energy - which the cards matched!  In 6 months he moved from pages to kings.  At his very center he drew King of Swords x the 6 of Wands.  We were both very excited and pleased to see that.  He also drew the Ace of Swords,  cutting through the fog and confusion,  getting to certainty.  

I was pleased to see how coming to a decision had clarified and energized his cards so significantly.   Sometimes making a decision can make all the difference!