Sunday, September 1, 2024

So then what happened?

I had a reading with a new client.  She found me via this blog.  She read about the woman whose second boyfriend,  while superficially different to the first,  was just the same devil in disguise.  

So what happened with them? she asked.

I don't know.  The woman hasn't come back yet.  

And she was disappointed,  like the tv series had cut short too soon.  (I always change a few details,  to keep anonymity.  People don't even recognise their own stories in the blog!)

I often feel like that too.  People come to a reading,  I see all about their lives,  and then they disappear and I don't get to see what happened next.  That's why I love repeat clients.  Even years later,  they come back and we see how the story continues... 

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