Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Observe, don't Absorb

I know, I'm doing  too many catch phrase blogs lately - but catch phrases are so helpful!

I was talking to a woman who was being triggered by her family.  They've been dysfunctional for a long time and keep trying to drag her back into the game.  She is already low contact,  and doesn't want to cut them all off altogether. So I said,  you can observe their behaviours but you don't have to absorb their energy.  An invitation can be declined - they invite you into their dramas,  you observe but not absorb.  

She seemed to really like that,  so I'm offering it to you here - you don't have to absorb everything that is thrown at you.   I'm a great believer in energy work,  and this is a great description of how to deal with energy that is being thrown at you - you can observe it,  but don't take it on board and you definitely don't have to take it personally or feel that only you can fix it! 

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