Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Texting and all that jazz

I just did a reading for a woman,  26 years old,  in a newish relationship that took a nose dive over the weekend when he didn't answer her texts on the day.  They were not urgent texts,  and he did reply, but not on the day.  She wants to break up with him,  he thinks she's being unreasonable.  I said she can break up whenever she wants,  but what's going on here?  

Turns out her last boyfriend also had issues with her and texting.  So I asked,  how often do you text?  It turns out,  5, 6 or 10 times a day.  And she wants a response within the hour.   I looked at her.  Do you respond to them within the hour?  She responds usually within 15 minutes to anyone,  5 minutes to a close friend,  instantly to a boyfriend.  Whoo boy,  I thought.

Okay,  so you have very different methods of communication.  The boyfriend told her that phones are for his convenience,  they are not there to be an electronic leash and when she demands instant responses it takes away from where he is at that moment.  She can't understand that.  She feels abandoned,  he feels nagged.  

A tarot reading is an hour without phone calls or texts.  I had told her to put her phone on airplane mode for the reading, so she could use it to record the reading,  which she did but reluctantly.  

I said that if this was a problem with only one man,  she could just look for another man.  But this is going to be a problem with quite a few men.  And the cards like this boyfriend,  she drew the King of Pentacles around him - he is mature,  steadfast and reliable.  He also wants to work things out,  but not text back immediately.   So they have to see if they can tolerate each others needs and anxieties.  But the boys who love bomb her and text her several times a day,  and respond straight away,  they also end up disappointing.  

It's hard when our own needs get in our way.  That serotonin hit of hearing the chime,  reading the text, knowing they are thinking of you.  But it can become addictive,  drawing you away from the people you are with,  to be with the hit from the ether.  

She hadn't talked previously to someone who was listening closely but not involved.  That's the gift of tarot.  I have no agenda,  I just tell her want the cards tell me. She knows the phone issue is complicated but she liked the cards she drew around him. They are going to try to talk it out... 

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