Saturday, May 11, 2024

Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day on Sunday, and a young man at the mall gave me a single rose to celebrate it. 

Part of me is cynical when it comes to commercialized holidays, thinking it a business sponsored deal to sell us cards and gifts.  But part of me also values the sentiment of acknowledging our often unappreciated mothers, who do so much of the heavy lifting in many families. 

I'm lucky with my mother and my mother in law,  both loving and present women.  I'm grateful to have a good relationship with both of them.  However I do lots of readings for women who don't have such great relationships with their mother figures and these days can be doubly difficult for them.

If you are one of the lucky ones - go ahead and celebrate, put up those pictures on the socials,  make some noise for the excellent women in your life.   If you are not, be kind to yourself,  do what works for you,  and don't let yourself be steamrollered into situations where you feel worse. 

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