So a client came to me for a reading and told me how depresssed and stressed she is about everything right now, and frankly, I felt who could blame her. The news is screaching, the election is just over the top, there are hurricanes and world news is even worse!
But then I was reading (I'm always reading!) about one way to deal with all the negativity that seems to be seeping around us, and it was "spread positive gossip." When funny, charming, hopeful things pass by, grab them and share them. So you have stories to counter the tough ones.
It's not that you don't listen to your friends about their worries. And it's not that you are some blithe hey, let's be happy while Rome is burning person. But rather, in a very real way, what you pay attention to, what you repeat to others, affects your outlook. So start paying attention to things that lighten you, give you hope, give you joy. And acknowledge the difficult times that are occuring all around us, but spread some positive gossip as well.
I remember clearly last year, after the horrors that were happening in the middle east, I was telling a friend that for personal and world reasons, it was a tough year. And he replied, it's been the best year of my life. He had a baby with his girlfriend and then married her when the baby was 5 months old. They were all glowing in the photos.
And I thought to myself, I have to remember this. I've been in a dark bubble, but he was in a joyous one, and I let his joy enter in and lighten me. So now, when I read articles about good goings on, I repeat them in casual conversation. And when good things happen to my friends, I repeat that too, so we spread a little light.