After the Fool (numbered zero) comes the Magician (the card numbered 1, in the Major Arcana.) The Magician is the male power of creation - creation by willpower and knowledge. But is it genuine creation or sleight of hand? Sometimes it’s hard to tell, and sometimes it doesn’t matter…

If people are asking me about a new business and the magician appears, I advise to approach with caution (but not necessarily run away!) There is ambiguity - is this a genuine business opportunity or a scam? There is magic and there are tricks, and I would use the rest of the reading to try and sort out which this situation is, and why does the querent feel as they do. The Magician is an omen symbolizing the importance of new enterprise and that you, the Querent, have the willpower and initiative to succeed.
If the Magician stands for a person then that person is charismatic, clever, witty, inventive and persuasive. People listen and agree with the Magician. If you are the magician, you can make things happen in your life, and you don't always feel the need to color within the lines...

In the Inner Child pack the ambiguity of the Magician is beautifully summed up as the genie from Aladin, and the moral, be careful what you wish for...
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