Sunday, June 16, 2024

Comfort to the afflicted and afflict the comfortable

So I read this just now - that the job of clergy is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable,  and that's so sharp and smart,  I wanted to repeat it here.

I am not clergy!  But often people come to me in search of comfort,  and if they are afflicted,  I am so happy to comfort them.   I have many readings where I encourage my clients to be kinder to themselves, to be softer on themselves. 

But I still remember the reading where the woman came to me from wealthy Westchester,  with nothing but contempt for her husband who had not reached C level (He was not a CEO, CFO or even COO)  She felt that she had hitched her horse to the wrong wagon and wanted to have an affair.   

I told her that she should get a job. When her husband found out about the affair she would need it, and if she got very engaged with her job, she might not even want to have an affair. She got really cross with me.  I guess I was afflicting the comfortable there.  But it was just the idea that the man she had married and had children with had not risen to the level she expected and she wanted to punish him with an affair. Whereas I  was saying, you're in your early 40's - why don't you go out and get into the C level? But clearly she thought that was impossible for her and was angry at me for looking at that option. 

Those cards,  they can be tough! Definitely comforting the afflicted but they can certainly be an afflict to the comfortable - or vexing to the contemptuous. 

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