Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Let me see what the cards tell me...

I read this review of mine recently where the person wrote of the great lengths she went to, to keep anonymous, giving me a false name,  creating a new email,  all so that I wouldn’t be able to google her, and I wouldn’t know anything about her before we met.  She was thinking that I might research her to trick her…  
Sometimes other people email me and their automatic signature has links to their blogs or websites.  I never look at them.  If people write to tell me about their situations, I try not to read it.  I prefer to know nothing about people before they come and see me. The more I know, the less magic you feel.  It’s when I know nothing, and the cards reveal real and true information, that the reading is exciting.  When I do the cold reading,  I can tell the truth the cards tell me, without having to color my information, and if I know too much,  then it interferes with that.

Of course, once I have read for you a few times, a new way of reading the cards develops. I begin to see patterns of similar cards appearing,  or moving from future to past and new cards emerging.  But again,  when people come to see me again,  I always start by saying,  don’t tell me anything,  let me see what the cards tell me…   

Powerful images by Dina Sierra

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