Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Your Brain Under Pressure

Sometimes things build to a crescendo in our lives,  the list is too long,  the noise is too loud,  and we can't get it done.  

If the pressure is too much,  I can literally feel my brain fill with fog,  and I find it hard to think.  I really advocate taking a moment for a time out,  just to give your brain a chance to reset.  

My go to is the beach - I go to Maroubra and watch the waves crash and catch my breath. 

Of course,  if you are in NYC,  there are fewer waves to watch,  but find your corner,  whether walking by the river,  or watching the dogs at the dog park,  where you can just let go for a minute and let yourself reset.   It can make such a difference... You can always try these places

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