Sunday, December 24, 2023

Leaving 2023

2023 has been a difficult year for me,  both personally and seeing how the world is trending.  So I can find it hard to find joy,  though I usually love Christmas time.  

I read this article by Anne Lamott in the Washington Post - The Dressing Room Encounter that made me get Real about Aging, and it really spoke to me.  She had a line in it - "love and service make us rich."  And it is just so true.  I find whenever I am feeling lost or tired,  being with people I love or serving the community in some way,  just makes me feel better.  

When I meet strangers of a certain age I ask them how many grandchildren they have.  Six one woman proudly replied.  You are so rich! I told her, and she beamingly agreed.  Not that you need grandchildren (or children) to have riches,  but you don't need money either.  You need a sense of place in the world.  Houses of Worship can give that to you,  but so can organizations that you value.  

I belong to the CWA - the Country Women's Association,  a group of practical, down to earth women who try to fix what they can and fundraise for issues they find important.  And they are so crafty!  I so admire a woman who can go to a 2 hour meeting and walk out with a crocheted hat.  It's like magic!  I am not crafty - but I can sell - so I help them get all their hats and aprons and Christmas ornaments together and sell them to others and give the money back to women in the country.   A virtuous circle.

So if you are feeling poor in time and energy,  I hold you in my heart.  It's been a tough year.  But one source of renewable energy for me,  is Love and Service.  Don't have someone to love? Go and give service.  I know it sounds strange but giving to others can fill you up and make you feel connected and then you feel richer in energy, and then you find love - maybe from a person, maybe from a dog,  maybe from a community.  

Wishing you a warm and safe Christmas and with Love and Service to make you rich... 

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