Saturday, September 11, 2021

Making Choices

At different ages we come to realizations that a door has closed.  At 11 we can be a ballerina or a brain surgeon,  but by 21 one of those options is no more.  I speak to a lot of people in their mid twenties,  who get two very different job options - and each one will open a new door,  but not taking the other,  closes one.  And they can become paralyzed with a sense of options closing.

Recently I had a reading with a woman who jokingly spoke of her 'mid life crisis' but that's exactly where she was at - suddenly aware at 52 that there were things she could never do now,  and perhaps she should throw everything up in the air and let it land where it would,  get a new job,  new husband,  send the kids off to college and make a run for it.

The cards see the options but they can't see forever.  They can't see that a choice you make now will be the right one 20 years down the track.  But they can show you where the struggle is,  and the reading is an hour where all we talk about is you - your energy,  your choices,  your options.   The 52 year old woman agreed that changing jobs was the easiest option to enact,  as she still laughs a lot with her husband,  and really liked the kids.  

The 26 year old saw that she couldn't have both paths.  She had to chose or the choice would be made for her,  and she might get neither.  I gave her the old adage - heads you take a) and tails you take b).  Now as the coin flips through the air,  which side do you hope it lands on?  And she said that was really helpful.   She felt much better about taking Job A,  and letting option B go for the time being... 

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