A girlfriend sends me an email, do I want to go to Brooklyn tomorrow and see the results of the democratic primaries unfold. And I think to myself, a bar, some corn chips, some conversation, sure, I'm in. So we drive out there (she has a car! a miracle in this city) and I realize something is askew. We are going to the Brooklyn Navy yards, not a bar in sight. And the lines, the lines go on forever. And then she tells me that she thinks Hillary is going to be there. "Are you sure? Isn't she in California?" I think she's expecting too much and feel sorry for her.
We watch and chat with the other people in line. Lots of women of a certain age, my age, 45-55, of every shape and size and color. Lots of sensible shoes. Quite a few gay men, a few men in suits. People with walking sticks get in earlier. I hope there is seating inside. I ask the pretty girl who comes to reassure us that it is not long now if there is seating. She hesitates but says she thinks so.
If you had asked me if I wanted to stand for hour hours to see a 20 minute political speech I would have said no... but I was certainly glad I went.