A while ago one of my regulars came to see me. This was her third reading with me and each time someone comes, I can connect the dots better.
Last time she came, interested in someone relatively new in her life, but the cards didn't like him. She drew the Page of Swords/ Page of Cups/ 7 wands reversed around him.
This time she came and said because of the cards, she wasn't angry with him, or with herself when they broke up. She could see that they wanted different things. Neither of them was a bad person, but he wasn't grounded or ambitious enough for her, she doesn't want page energy (let alone 2!), she's 32 and ready for a King.
This time when she asked about love in the future she drew Strength / 9 cups R / Lovers Much better, more adult cards. But also a warning - sometimes the 9 of cups (I call it the fat and happy card) is about contentment, being happy with what we've got. But when it's reversed, it can mean don't settle, it's okay to have standards and boundaries. Her cards were searching for a proper, equal Lover this time, no more pages, she's worked on her strength and ready for the real thing now.
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