People have readings from me and they are scattered all over the world (ok, mainly in the US East and West Coasts, but also in London and Canada and occasionally South Africa) And they are all shuffling their own decks and laying out their own cards.
And even with all these different decks and cards, still themes emerge. Lately lots of my readings have the 7 of wands in important places.
The Seven of Wands is a card of self defence - it's not a violent card, we usually don't see who we are fighting against, and unlike the swords, there's no undertone of malice. But we are standing up for our own point of view.
And maybe in these tumultuous times, the cards are saying, wait, stop, think for yourself. Don't automatically fight everyone, but also, don't just go with the flow. Think for yourself - is this right for you? is this the right time for you? do you really want this?
These are super important questions and only you can answer them. Sometimes we are offered something and it's only with the offer that we see whether we really want it or not. Perhaps we wanted it earlier but now we don't. Perhaps it would work for us in a few years but now it doesn't. Or perhaps we really do want it but important people in our lives are casting doubt. The seven of cards encourages you to think things out for yourself and defend your own point of view.