Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th, 2011

I live a few blocks from the World Trade Centre. We moved to the US in January 2002. I knew, of course, that 9/11 had happened, and felt horror and sadness and shock, but I didn’t understand what it meant that the city below Canal Street was closed; I didn’t know where Canal Street was. I did know that I found the Upper West Side completely overwhelming, and that when we moved into Tribeca in February, a mere 5 months after 9/11, at a time when most people were moving out, it felt like a small, quiet haven. There were often times when there were no cars on the streets at all in the middle of the day (almost impossible to conceptualize now) and when I walked around with my then 4 year old, people noticed us, said hello, seemed glad someone was moving in.

I’ve lived in Tribeca ever since, feel very much part of the village life here. I was president of the PTA at the local public school; I served for a few years on the Community Board, I’ve attended many meetings about restaurants and community growth, several meetings on the World Trade Centre specifically.

One year I accidentally booked some readings on 9/11, but I won’t do that again. The energy is too weird: too many people, too much grief, excitement, anger in the air. I won’t walk down there today. It’s too crowded and there is too much security. But I am glad that they are getting the pools filled. I look forward to walking by them one afternoon. My hope is that it will give a chance for reflection.

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