Thursday, January 16, 2025

New Year, New Energy

I like to start the New Year with a brisk sweep out of all the small tasks that were hung over from the last year.  So I've been returning borrowed items,  talking with the bank (ok,  with occasional yelling and eye rolling)  making appointments and filling up my calendar with vet's appointment,  doctor's appointments, etc...  

It makes me feel organized  and a little more in control.  Last year we started with new passports,  this year with new driver's licence.  Easy to remember when they need renewal if they are all around January. 

It's not that my cleaning energy is so strong,  but I do like things to feel fresh.  I wish you a feeling of freshness and briskness and may you get through your list of tasks and feel on top of things!  Tarot is a reading of where your energy is strong, and where it needs some shift to make things happen. If you want to get a more accurate read of your energy,  drop me a line and we'll set up a tarot reading. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Dealing with frustration

For all my new year's resolutions,  I find myself more easily frustrated right now.  Annoying bureaucracy,  bad drivers,  poor communication - it all triggers me.  I feel when the world is a whirlpool, it's hard not to get sucked in. I'm trying to be better about sleep,  listening to my sound baths,  walking the dog,  practicing gratitude.  

But the poor telebanking staff just got my goat this morning,  asking me questions that I just can't answer and then drowning me in their computer speak, I was impatient.  It can't be fixed on line or on the phone,  so now I have to go in and fix their problem...  First world problem, but it's one more thing for me to do.

So I think about how to be a better version of me.  I'm a work in progress,  but I can't progress every day!  Today I will walk the dog and smell the gardens, damp with summer heat and reclaim my equanimity.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Tarot readings

Traditionally,  January is one of my busier months.  People want to see what the new year will bring.  Will I get new work, a new lover,  new place? Am I on the right path?  All valid questions.  Sometimes people want to know when something will happen. But tarot reads your energies.  It will say soon,  or not soon,  or too far away to tell,  but it won't say,  on the 5th of February X will happen.  It's never that precise. 

I've had a lot of feedback over the years where people tell me that this listen to the recording of the reading and within 6 months,  everything we discussed came to pass.  Things that weren't obvious initially,  become clear as time passes.  I have a lot (mainly) repeat clients,  so I know from their feedback that my readings are accurate. 

So if you are looking to see if your actions are going to get the results you want,  if you want to see a snapshot of where your energies are strongest right now,  give me a call and we'll set up a reading.  

I'm currently in Sydney,  Australia and all my readings are virtual.  We read from the comfort of your home.    For me the magic is in the shuffling,  so you will need to get your hands on a deck - old or new,  it doesn't matter -and shuffle it quite a bit over 3 days,  and then we'll have the reading and I'll tell you what I see. 

In the meantime,  wishing you well for the new year.  

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Happy New Year

 May 2025 be a gentler,  kinder year.   

And may you make choices that give you health, joy and peace of mind. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Merry Christmas

Wishing all who celebrate a warm and happy Christmas.  

And to all those who don't,  to still let some of the magic seep in... 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Useful feedback

Sometimes we are going about our lives and one of friends says something to us,  about how we are managing ourselves,  and it's not complimentary!   Often that doesn't feel nice at all.  People come to me and ask if they should stop being friends with this type of person. 

My question is,  was the information useful?  Did it show things in a new light?  

Sometimes we don't see our situation as clearly as an outsider might.  Sometimes our friends are looking out for us.  Of course it could be that some of our friends are awful people and we should find new ones - but if we're not in middle school,  I hope that's not the case! 

So maybe this friend was clumsy,  and maybe they are just more conservative/ less conservative,  more adventurous / less adventurous than we are. So we can look at the information and factor that in too.  But I look at things through several lenses - were they saying this to be helpful?  Do they believe it?  Have others said something like it?  Are they kind friends?  I always look to see if the feedback could be useful to me.  It might just show a new perspective on things,  it might be really helpful. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Sound Bath

All my life I've been very receptive/ sensitive to sound.  The right music can just lift me up and completely change my mood,  and the wrong music just jars on me and I can't bear it.  

Lately I've been putting in the words Sound Bath to apple and spotify,  or youtube and listening to what they conjure up.  Lots of it doesn't work for me,  but I've found things that are just wonderful!  Sound Baths are healing vibrational sounds  - gongs, bells,  singing bowls, chimes etc..  often with music, rain sounds, sometimes on their own,  that are meant to resonate through you and work on your harmonics. 

If you are seeking some refuge,  something different,  try listening to new music.  Most sound bath music does not have lyrics,  but often does have spoken visualizations over it.  Some of the spoken stuff does not work at all for me,  some of it is soothing,  some of it I never hear,  because I've fallen asleep by then.  But a lot of it really relaxes me.  

My most recent find is Dr Ramdesh.  You may not like her, don't worry if you don't,  but find someone that does work for you. If you are troubled with anxiety or racing thoughts,  try finding some new guided visualizations, or meditations.  I find they help enormously.